Roblox Gets Under New Wave of Criticism

There are new allegations that came recently that claim the Roblox is not as safe for children as we thought. There is an investigation of the game. Yet, experts already see the problem in the absence of parental control and moderation.
While the major attraction of Roblox is the total freedom developers receive for games’ creation, it may harm younger audiences. People Make Games, a popular YouTube channel, decided to provide their own investigation and revealed numerous shocking flaws of the game. While in August, they were covering the problem with Roblox exploitative issues, now they focused attention on collectibles you can solve on the black market that come straight from the game.
The investigation starts with a description of Roblox, the platform for games popular among kids. Roblox provides possibilities not only for players but for everyone who wants to become a game developer. For years it helped young talents to master their skills. Some Roblox developers are legends in the gaming community. Such possibilities attracted millions of young players, giving them a chance to follow their dreams. Many Roblox developers earn money. For example, Toya received $4 million for Miraculous RP: Quests of Ladybug and Cat Noir. While such business relations are not prohibited by any rules, Roblox became criticized since the platform is aimed at kids.
Some Roblox developers, who are still young, like Jack, who was 13 years old when his game became a hit, don’t know how to spend money. Once the game received a $700 reward in Robux, he spent it on in-game expensive items. Since the game needs at least 100 000 Robux for cash out, Jack got stuck. Even after that, misfortune pursued this young developer who lost all the items he bought after one other developer shared a Trojan.
Have you ever had problems with Roblox? Which games do you like there? Share your comments below.