Hello Darkness — Android Will Have a Dark Mode

If you would rather smooth color tonality in your touchscreen — great news! Google adds a dark mode toggle to almost every Android variant. The invention first premiered on Android 10.
Google thought that it might be a fantastic idea to equip older operating systems with the dark style mode. Not only Android programs and programs developed by Google may even get precious toggle. Google Play has never been left out!
Therefore, if you want your touchscreen goes undercover, here is what to do:
- Proceed to Play Shop
- Choose Settings
- Select Theme
- Utilize the dark style mode
This mode will help to prolong your mobile battery life, in addition, to provide a rest for your eyes. Go into Settings and then select Display. The dark style mode will probably be there.
If your phone could be updated to Android 9, that would be a simpler solution. Otherwise, you should wait until Dark Theme is fully available to every device.