Useful Guide: Which League of Legends Champions Are Good For Beginners

Whether you’re a experienced player or just starting out, everyone was once a beginner at playing League of Legends. When you’re just starting to learn the game, it can be hard to determine which champions are good for you and your team. While some champions may be more difficult to play than others, these champions are considered to be good for beginners due to their simplicity and ease of use.
The first champion that is good for beginners is Ashe. Ashe is a ranged damage dealer that is relatively easy to play. All of her abilities are straightforward and easy to use, making her a good champion for those just starting out. In addition, Ashe is a very versatile champion that can be built in a number of ways, making her a good choice for those who are still trying to figure out their play style.
Another champion that is good for beginners is Annie. Annie is a mage that has a variety of crowd control abilities. While her kit is simple, her abilities can be very effective if used correctly. In addition, Annie is a fairly tanky champion, making her a good choice for those who are still learning how to position themselves in fights.
Last but not least, we have Alistar. Alistar is a tank that excels in initiating and disrupt enemies. While he does require some skill to play effectively, his kit is relatively simple and easy to use. In addition, Alistar is a very strong champion that can easily take down enemies if used correctly.
While there are a number of other champions that could be considered good for beginners, these three are a good place to start. Each of them is relatively easy to play while still being effective in a match. So if you’re just starting out in League of Legends, be sure to give these champions a try.