Meta Tests New Avatar Reactions Option within Instagram Stories

To give its user new, improved tools with which they can respond to Instagram Stories and also make the experience generally more engaging and fun, Meta has recently introduced a new avatar reactions feature. The platform owners hope that avatars will one day replace the outdated and unremarkable emoji stickers and bring the company even closer to fulfilling its daring ambition of building a metaverse.
Avatar Reactions will not put emojis out of the picture right away, though. The two instruments will be used alongside each other for a while, at least, until an ample number of users have developed a taste for customizable characters capable of exhibiting a wide range of responses.
A select group of Instagram users can now read a new prompt inviting them to pick either emojis or avatars to react to Stories. By going with the Avatar option, you will receive detailed guidance in building your custom avatar (unless you already have one). When all is done, you will see a variety of personalized sticker responses centered around your character.
Meta sees the new feature as a way to increase user engagement and enhance the existing advertising opportunities. While hugely appealing and fun, the idea is hardly new since Snapchat already exploits the avatar concept to allow certain companies like Adidas and Nike's Jordan Brand to dress up Bitmoji cartoonish characters in corporate-sponsored digital clothing.
How do you feel about Meta’s enforcing its custom digital characters more boldly? Will it help make the whole react-to-the-stories experience more interactive and enjoyable for you personally? Share your thoughts in the comment section underneath this post, and don't hesitate to spread the word among your friends!