Contact Center Update and Other Zoom Improvements

The Contact Center in the Zoom video conferencing service is designed to create a convenient communication system within your team and with external clients. Introduced quite recently, it lags far behind its competitors, but developers actively work to improve it. The latest update has added some handy features.
Managers will be able to get detailed information about the performance of their operators. You, as the boss, will now be able to set metrics that need to be achieved within a given period and track the progress of your tasks in real-time. If the set goals are not fulfilled, you will receive corresponding notifications and be able to see the dynamics in detail and identify weaknesses.
Also, your company's agents and support representatives will have more opportunities to more quickly and fully resolve emerging customer problems. Through integration with other Zoom products, they will be able to transfer calls to other experts within the company. Convenient chat will enable exchanging files with clients and reviewing all correspondence quickly. Gradually, they will be able to transfer written communication with users to the level of video calls, increasing their loyalty. By the way, calls are available through browsers, so customers don't need to install the mobile app.
To optimize and speed up some workflows, you can integrate your Zoom with third-party services like Amazon Lex or Google Dialogflow chatbots. Despite the addition of such tools, the use of AI within this platform is still limited. Although experts suggest that work on this product is still ongoing, its success on the market compared to similar services is unclear.
Please share your thoughts if you've already experienced Zoom's Contact Center to the fullest. How convenient is it, and how does it improve the quality of your work? What tools would you add to it?